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Information Letter

  Dear k’inādās mentorship residents, We are very excited as this residency approaches, and this letter is just to provide you with some pertinent information regarding our time together. We are grateful for this opportunity to be gathered in the same place, and we are excited to support building and supporting mentorship(s) that last a life/time. For ease of navigation, we have divided the information in two parts. 1) Before Arriving: Allergies and Accessibility: All of you have already shared about your allergies, dietary restrictions and preferences in this shared document. If there is something you have missed out, please email Parth directly about it. We advise you to carry your allergy medication with you, nevertheless. If you have any accessibility requirements, please feel free to contact Parth. Same for any medical condition which you think we should be aware of in case of an emergency. Art Materials: If there are any art materials/equipment, you would like to

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